Lip Filler
Lip filler is the most requested cosmetic procedure in the UK. Its growth in popularity has seen the procedure become a household name, sometimes for the wrong reasons. Whilst lip filler is often associated with younger individuals, lip filler can achieve many desired outcomes and can have a huge impact on attractiveness across all ages.
Since the beginning of time, the lips have played a central role in the perception of beauty, with the shape, size and symmetry of lips closely associated with attractiveness and youth.
Lip filler can be injected to add symmetry to the lips or accentuate desirable features like the cupid’s bow. It can restore the loss of volume we see with age and rejuvenate the lower face. Adding volume to the lips can balance facial features and complement other areas of the face.
Carriages are renowned for beautiful lip filler results because we follow a simple mantra. We always respect natural proportions. If you are looking for overfilled unnatural looking lips, we are not the clinic for you. Our lip filler treatments will always compliment your natural facial features and leave you feeling like a more confident, sexy, and youthful version of you.
We only use soft low density filler in this area in order to mimic the naturally soft, delicate and supple consistency of lips. Results can therefore be expected to last 9 -12 months.